If you are looking for a property to rent in the Principality of Monaco, our negotiators will be able to assist you efficiently in order to quickly find the property best suited to your needs and budget.

 The Monegasque real estate market is constantly evolving, and it is therefore necessary to have an up-to-date knowledge of the market and to understand the legal, administrative and legislative conditions governing rental in the Principality.

Define your search criteria and visit apartments

We offer you a wide selection of properties, those we have on our database but also those proposed by other real estate actors in Monaco with whom we work in close collaboration.

By contacting our agency, the entire market will be accessible to you and we will centralize for you the research and the organization of the visits so that you have a single interlocutor.

Making a rental offer

Your dedicated negotiator will draw up a rental commitment. This pre-contractual document designates the lessee, the property in question, the financial breakdown and outlines the conditions of the contract.

It must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Valid identity card or resident card.
  • Proof of address
  • Bank details, bank guarantee or any other proof of solvency.
  • Cheque or transfer of deposit, in order to retain the property and prove the seriousness of the offer, the amount of which includes the deposit as well as the agency fees

According to the usual practices in the Principality, the financial amounts to be committed before collecting the keys

  • Duration of the lease : Generally between 1 and 3 years
  • Monthly rental : As agreed/proposed
  • Monthly service charge : As agreed/proposed (maximum 10% of monthly rent)
  • Payment terms : Quarterly in advance
  • Security deposit : 3 to 4 months rent
  • Lease Registration Fee : 1% of annual rent plus service fee
  • Administrative stamps : About 30€.
  • Inventory of fixtures : between 400€ and 2.000€.
  • Agency fees : 10% of the first annual rent plus 20% VAT
  • Required documents : Valid passport or identity card or Monaco residence card + Statement from a Monaco bank

If this rental agreement is accepted and countersigned by the owner or his representative, you will be legally bound without the possibility of withdrawal unless suspensive clauses are involved. It is then necessary to gather all the requested documents, to pay the balance due and to sign a rental contract or "lease".

Our dedicated team will be able to provide you with all its know-how for all the necessary administrative procedures such as contracting a multi-risk home insurance certificate, necessary for the entire duration of the contract and provided prior to the handing over of the keys. 

An inventory of fixtures must be established by our agency or by a bailiff, in your presence or that of a person representing you, at the latest on the day of the arrival of the goods. This is an essential document as it will ensure that at the end of your lease the property is returned in the same condition as when you entered, and that consequently the security deposit is returned to you in full. 

Follow-up of the rental relationship

Our agency remains your only contact throughout the duration of your lease, we can put you in touch with service providers to facilitate your daily life or respond to problems related to the rented property.